I am running to keep up with demands of business at Sailing FL. The guy who usually is responsible for day to day management on the dock, Capt Patrick, has been off on a charter this week, leaving me wearing even more hats than usual. We have friends from Denver staying with us and day sailing one of our boats, so evenings here are also full. And in the background is the ongoing condo remodel which requires some level of attention every day. Next week Cathy and I need to paint the entire condo. That's the one part of the project we've always planned to do ourselves. Now the reality of that is pressing in. It needs to get done and finished before the hardwood floor installers arrive the following week. I see that I'm going to need a couple days away from work. I'm not yet sure how that will happen.
I've found myself thinking it would be fun to ride my racebike soon. I've toyed with the idea of taking a weekend away at the track as a birthday gift for myself. But with all that's going on, that is entirely unfeasible. Maybe next month, after we've moved into the new place.
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