Since I was out sailing on Tampa Bay with an ASA class the entire weekend before, I wanted to spend this past weekend with Cathy and do things she would enjoy. That got us to the movies to see "Eat Love, Pray".
It was, as expected, a chick flick, but I was pleased to find that it's not just a check flick. I enjoyed the travelogue photography of Rome, India, and and Bali. But, more than that, I was engaged by the story. The spiritual quest that the movie portrayed. The universal themes. The "physics of the quest" as the narrator put it. Finding mentors along the path. Acceptance, and forgiveness, and embracing all aspects of life.
After the movie Cathy and I talked about what we thought of it. Both of us found that it provoked thoughts and comparisons to our own lives. We're both been on our own spiritual quest, as everyone is - or should be. And each quest is different. We don't all need to go to Rome, India and Bali to fulfill our spiritual needs. Everyone's needs and means are different, hence our paths and destinations are different. Some go to the Caribbean Islands. Some to Lawrence Kansas. Others go to a trailer park in Mesa Arizona. The important thing is, when the call for the quest is heard - GO. I'm sorry to think that so many refuse the quest and stay in their stunted, unexamined existence.
Now Cathy and I both want to read the book.